Due to the situation known to all regarding the excessive increases in fuel and derivatives and at this point, we are forced to implement the fuel tax.
The application of said surcharge will be taxed, in accordance with the legal provisions in force 2/3/2022 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2022 (BOE, 03/02/2022) https://www.boe.es/eli/es/ rdl/2022/03/01/3/con, with an additional amount as a “Fuel Surcharge”. According to the variation experienced, upwards or downwards, the price of fuels.
The average values of diesel will be calculated taking as a reference those published on the official website of the Ministry of Transport and Mobility (MITMA), at the following link: https://www.mitma.gob.es/transporte-terrestre/servicios-al -transportista/indice-de-variacionmensual-de-los-precios-medios-del-gasoleo-en-espana or this other one: https://sedeaplicaciones.minetur.gob.es/shpcarburantes/
It is based on the reference value for December 2021, applicable to the variation for the month of March 2022, and the result will be reflected in the invoice for the month of March 2022, and so on.